The present paper aims to study the application of new standard of food safety: ISO 22000:2005 in the catering industry. At the beginning the study made a comparison between ISO 22000 with the HACCP system and the ISO 9000:2000 standard, in order to identify their similarities and differences, while it pinpoints and records the reasons for creating and applying the ISO 22000 standard. Due to the preliminary nature of this study, we are given the opportunity to assess the practical application of ISO 22000 in an array of victual businesses and the repercussions on them, through their managers' points of view. The present research will explore the influence of the ISO 22000 to the food safety issues, marketing, financial, operational and the business personnel. The research is preliminary. The method used to approach the issue was based on primary research through an appropriate questionnaire focusing on 20 victual businesses where the new standard has already been put into practice. In-depth site interviews were conducted at each firm to obtain detailed information about the ISO 22000:2005 registration process and experience. The conclusions from the current study identified the advantages and disadvantages of the ISO 22000 implementation. Also, explores the problems and barriers that face managers. Finally, it explores marketing managers' attitudes towards ISO certification. ISO 22000, certification is a valuable tool to ensure food safety and quality requirements for food products while provide catering industry with reliability in order to meet consumers needs and wants.

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The New Food Safety Standard ISO 22000. Assessment, Comparison

and Correlation with HACCP and ISO 9000:2000. The Practical

Implementation in Victual Business

Spyridon Mamalis


, Dimitrios P. Kafetzopoulos


Stamatis Aggelopoulos



Department of Business Administration, Technological Educational Institute of Kavala, Greece,

Agios Loukas, 654 04 Kavala, Greece, Tel.: ++302510462195, ++306974437621 Fax: ++302510462219



University of Ioannina, Department of Business Administration of Food and Agricultural Enterprises,

Agrinio, Greece


Department of Farm Management, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki,

Greece, e-mails:

Paper prepared for presentation at the 113


EAAE Seminar "A

resilient European food industry and food chain in a challenging

world", Chania, Crete, Greece, date as in: September 3 - 6, 2009

Copyright 2009 by [Spyridon Mamalis


, Dimitrios P. Kafetzopoulos





]. All rights reserved. Readers may make verbatim copies of this

document for non-commercial purposes by any means, provided that this copyright

notice appears on all such copies.


The New Food Safety Standard ISO 22000. Assessment, Comparison

and Correlation with HACCP and ISO 9000:2000. The Practical

Implementation in Victual Business

Spyridon Mamalis


, Dimitrios P. Kafetzopoulos


Stamatis Aggelopoulos



Department of Business Administration, Technological Educational Institute of Kavala, Greece,

Agios Loukas, 654 04 Kavala, Greece, Tel.: ++302510462195, ++306974437621 Fax: ++302510462219



University of Ioannina, Department of Business Administration of Food and Agricultural Enterprises,

Agrinio, Greece


Department of Farm Management, Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki,

Greece, e-mails:

Abstract. The present paper aims to study the application of new standard of food

safety: ISO 22000:2005 in the catering industry. At the beginning the study made a

comparison between ISO 22000 with the HACCP system and the ISO 9000:2000

standard, in order to identify their similarities and differences, while it pinpoints and

records the reasons for creating and applying the ISO 22000 standard.

Due to the preliminary nature of this study, we are given the opportunity to assess the

practical application of ISO 22000 in an array of victual businesses and the

repercussions on them, through their managers' points of view. The present research

will explore the influence of the ISO 22000 to the food safety issues, marketing,

financial, operational and the business personnel.

The research is preliminary. The method used to approach the issue was based on

primary research through an appropriate questionnaire focusing on 20 victual businesses

where the new standard has already been put into practice. In-depth site interviews were

conducted at each firm to obtain detailed information about the ISO 22000:2005

registration process and experience.

The conclusions from the current study identified the advantages and disadvantages of

the ISO 22000 implementation. Also, explores the problems and barriers that face

managers. Finally, it explores marketing managers' attitudes towards ISO certification.

ISO 22000, certification is a valuable tool to ensure food safety and quality

requirements for food products while provide catering industry with reliability in order

to meet consumers needs and wants.

Keywords: Food safety, Food Quality, ISO 22000, ISO 9000:2000, HACCP,

Restaurant industry, Food Marketing.

1. Introduction

Safety is defined as the condition of being safe from undergoing or causing hurt,

injury or loss (Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, 1990). Food safety is the

assurance that food will not cause any harm to the consumer when it is prepared and/or

consumed according to its intended use (FAO/WHO, 1997). Food safety is a growing

global concern, not only for its continuing importance to public health, but also because

of its impact on international trade (Burros, 1997). Motarjemi and Mortimore (2005)

emphasized that ensuring food safety in today's complex world is a daunting task and is


possible only with a concerted effort of all sectors including government, consumer

organizations and industry.

Quality, on the other hand, is not an absolute and it has been very difficult to

define, to understand and especially to measure. The assurance of quality is a guarantee

that agreed-upon specifications have been met. Some writers claim explicitly or

implicitly that quality is simple, but many treatises on quality conclude that quality is

complex, multidimensional, and relative (Meiselman, 2001). Quality is not a scientific

or a technical word, it is not a physical entity, but it is a very useful concept in general

life and management (Juran, 1989). The terms ''food quality'' and ''food safety'' mean

different things to different people.

Food quality is an interesting concept because it transcends all steps and all

actors within the food chain, but it is of an intangible nature because it is perceived

individually (Olsen et al., 2008). Food quality has a vast number of meanings and can

encompass parameters as diverse as organoleptic characteristics, physical and functional

properties, nutrient content and consumer protection from fraud. Safety is more

straightforward, relating to the content of various chemical and microbiological

elements in food (Burlingame and Pineiro, 2007). Food safety and food quality

assurance are forms of guarantees. The assurance of quality is a guarantee that agreed-

upon specifications have been met. If safety related specifications are included in the

quality assurance system, then the assurance of quality encompasses safety (Holleran,

1999). Thus, the consumer is the key to defining quality, and a company's internal

definition of quality is meaningless if it fails to reflect consumer requirements

(Kontogeorgos and Semos, 2008).

It is generally agreed that high quality products or services are the essence of a

company's survival and competitiveness in the highly competitive global market

(Misterek et al., 1990; Garvin, 1987). To achieve their goals, companies are

implementing quality assurance systems. Safety assurance systems require, to ensure

the safety of food and to show compliance with regulatory and customer requirements,

at each step in the food production chain (Trienekens and Zuurbier, 2007). The

implementation of quality assurance systems in the global food market strengthens

companies' position and improves their competitiveness (Karipidis et al, 2009).

'Quality system' is known as the complete set of written procedures, training, practical

activities and records (Newman, 2005). Effective quality assurance systems will address

safety and quality of both the food products and processes. By separating product and

process (production method), quality can be defined in terms of intrinsic quality (quality

of the product) and extrinsic quality (systems of production and processing) (Manning

and Baines, 2004).

Food companies in order to adopt quality practices are implementing quality

assurance systems, such as Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) and ISO

9000 (Ziggers and Trienekens, 1999). HACCP system focuses mainly in assurance on

technological requirements while ISO 9000:2000 focus more in management aspects

(Luning et al., 2006; Loc, 2006). In 2005 the new ISO 22,000 standard, has been

introduced aiming at managing safety in the food chain (Trienekens and Zuurbier,


The ISO 22000 provides the basis for demonstrating a company's compliance to a

quality system by establishing the documentation and procedural standards that must be

met. Under these standards, controls must be established for every aspect of the

production process and all operational procedures and managerial actions must be


documented. These standards are designed to demonstrate to customers that the

supplying organization has achieved a basic level of quality assurance and food safety

by the formalization and documentation of its quality management system'.

Eating out is a worldwide phenomenon with more people than ever consuming

food products outside their homes. Food catering and restaurants comprises a

significant sector for Greek Economy. Restaurant industry sales have enjoyed a steady

growth (approximately 24%) during the last decade. Restaurant industry has benefited

from the moves towards more informal eating patterns and the increasing need for

simple, convenient food. That need arises form the fact that more women are now

working and in most families both parents are working full time, constraint the amount

of time that can be spent on cooking traditional family meals. Nowadays there are

150.000 restaurants and catering outlets with 700 000 full or part time employees.

ISO 22000 is related with the core product of catering industry The ISO 22000

is a valuable tool for caterers in order to ensure that both quality assurance standards

and food quality procedures have been established. So, customers can feel safe with

their choices. As the basic offer mix that restaurant offer is food products food safety is

a critical point in restaurant success. The implementation of ISO 22000 in catering

industry is related to the structure of restaurants, to the nature and number of food

products that produced and consumed inside and finally, to the procedures of

production. It is well accepted that restaurants face the problem of food safety due to

the nature of food products. So, ISO certification procedures may serve to identify

deficiencies in processes or quality controls from production to consumers. As a result

restaurants will ensure that the production and serving of food products will comply

with quality and food safety standards.

The aim of the paper is to assess the practical application of ISO 22000 in

restaurant industry and the repercussions on those, from the managers' point of view.

So, the first step is to review the basic quality assurance system in food sector.

Afterwards the paper compares the ISO 22000 standard with the HACCP plan and ISO

9000:2000. The third part describes the methodology of a research project carried out in

Greek victual business and the next part presents the analysis of the results.

2. Basic Quality Assurance System in Food Sector

There is no doubt that food firms have increasingly to deal with competitive

markets and are implementing quality assurance systems (Ziggers and Trienekens,

1999). Each quality assurance system covers different quality aspects e.g., some focus

on management aspects (ISO), whereas others focus on technology aspects (GMP,

HACCP). The QA systems are often combined to assure several quality aspects, for

assuring food safety and food quality e.g., the combination of HACCP and ISO 9000.

(Van der Spiegel et al, 2004). Nowadays, Safe production and supply of safe food

products are the main aims of the food and drink industry. Food companies adopt

quality assurance systems like HACCP, ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 22000 which have

widespread international acceptance to control activities, processes, procedures and

resources according to these standards.



The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) is a common sense

approach to identifying, quantifying and controlling food safety hazards. It sets up a

framework allowing the detailed examination of a process to identify hazards and where

the hazards can be controlled (Khandke and Mayes, 1997). HACCP system is a food

safety management strategy which has been widely tested, and established as an

effective means of preventing food-borne diseases were correctly implemented (WHO,

1993). It is considered a scientific and systematic system for assuring food safety

(Nguyen et al, 2004), which can be applied throughout the whole food chain

(Domenech, 2008; Loc, 2006). It is a management system in which food safety is

addressed through the analysis and control of biological, chemical and physical hazards

from raw material production, procurement and handling to manufacturing, distribution

and consumption of the finished product. The system is a proven, cost-effective method

of maximising food safety, because it focuses on hazard control at its source and

consists of seven principles of international acceptance which outline how to establish,

implement and maintain an HACCP plan for an operation under study (Marnellos and

Tsotras, 1999). Food manufactures are obliged by legislation to apply HACCP, while

the other systems are applied voluntarily in the food industry. FDA emphasized the role

of prerequisite programs (PRPs) for the implementation of HACCP (Griffith, 2000). It

has been recommended that before the plan is utilized, a prerequisite program is needed

(Seward, 2000). Furthermore, HACCP complements total quality management because

it offers continuous problem prevention (Varzakas and Arvanitoyannis, 2008). By

adopting a food quality/food safety management system and being able to signal it to

consumers, firms can gain marketing advantage and may also competitive advantages

(Cao et al., 2004).

2.2 ISO 9000:2000

ISO 9000:2000 is a quality standard developed by the International Organization

for Standardization (ISO). The standard aims to evaluate a firm's ability to effectively

design, produce, and deliver quality products and services. This version of the standard

tries to enhance customer satisfaction by including more top-management involvement

and continual improvement (Sroufe and Curkovic, 2008).

ISO 9001:2000 use a process approach and aims to achieve customer

satisfaction by meeting customer requirements, to improve the system continuously, and

to prevent nonconformity in products and/or services (ISO, 2001). ISO 9001:2000

provides guidelines for organizations to establish their quality systems by focusing on

procedures, control, and documentation (Sun et al., 2004). The system is based on the

concept that certain minimum characteristics of a quality management system could be

usefully standardized, giving mutual benefit to suppliers and customers, and focusing on

process rather than product/service quality (Van der Wiele et al., 2005). ISO 9001:2000

focuses on customers' needs and expectations. One of the most important customer

expectations is to have safe food products. ISO 9001:2000 allows an organization to

integrate its quality management system with the implementation of a food safety

system (Aggelogiannopoulos et al., 2007). When food companies are implemented

quality assurance systems according to ISO 9000 series, ensuring quality procedures

and reinforcing legislative requirements (Bolton, 1997). ISO 9000 standards are

internationally recognized and designed to demonstrate that the supplying organization

has achieved a basic level of quality by the formalization and documentation of its


quality management system. The effective deployment of ISO 9000 quality

management system has been widely recognized in recent years as a means of building

sustainable competitive advantage and thereby enhancing firm performance (Koc,


2.3 ISO 22000:2005

ISO 22000 is an international, auditable standard that specifies the requirements

for food safety management system by incorporating all the elements of Good

Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP)

together with a comprehensive management system (Pillay and Muliyil, 2005). Food

safety experts have found that well-functioning prerequisite programmes (PRPs)

simplify and strengthen the HACCP plan. ISO 22000:2005 is a HACCP-type standard

based on and fits very well with ISO 9001:2000 especially developed to assure food

safety. ISO 22000 will dynamically combine the HACCP principles and application

steps with prerequisite programmes, using the hazard analysis to determine the strategy

to be used to ensure hazard control by combining the prerequisite programmes and the

HACCP plan (Faergemand and Jespersen, 2004). The new standard offers an alternative

to food enterprises that they do not implement ISO 9001 and they want to have an

effective food safety management system (Aggelogiannopoulos et al., 2007) as it

combines a series of advantages, involving quality management, external and in house

communications, designating responsibility, implementing crisis management, continual

improvement, good health practices and differentiating between PRP, PRP and CCP

Talbot (2007).

ISO 22000 may apply to all types of organizations within the food chain ranging

from feed producers, primary producers through food manufacturers, transport and

storage operators and subcontractors to retail and food service outlet together with inter-

related organizations such as producers of equipment, packaging material, cleaning

agents, additives and ingredients. The standard will combine generally recognized key

elements to ensure food safety along the food chain, as follows (Faergemand and

Jespersen, 2004):

Interactive communication

System management

Hazard control

Varzakas and Arvanitoyannis (2008) refer that the advantages of ISO 22000

include :

1 Optimum distribution of resources inside the food chain organisation.

2 Effective communication of suppliers, clients, authorities and other involved


3 Focus on the prerequisite programmes

4 Better documentation.

5 Creation of trust with the prerequisite the credibility of the management system based

on the provision of the conditions for the accomplishment of solid.

ISO 22000 can be considered as a business management tool that links food

safety to business processes and encourages organizations to analyze customer

requirements, define processes and keep them in control. It enables integration of

quality management and food safety management. It is intended for organization

directly or indirectly associated with the food supply chain irrespective of size or


complexity and is regarded as being able to bring transparency since it has been

designed to cover every link in the food supply chain (Pillay and Muliyil, 2005).

3. Comparison of ISO 22000 with HACCP and ISO 9000:2000

Developed with the participation of food sector experts, ISO 22000 incorporates

the principles of HACCP, and covers the requirements of key standards developed by

various global food retailer syndicates, in a single document (Frost, 2005). The

prerequisite programmes (PrPs) are the main difference between ISO 22000 and

HACCP. The incorporation of PrPs in the ISO22000 made the system more flexible as a

smaller number of CCPs was introduced. Surak (2006) states that ISO 22000

strengthens the HACCP system in several ways. It is a management standard; therefore,

it shares the following common elements with other management system standards:

• Policy.

• Planning.

• Implementation and operation.

• Performance assessment.

• Improvement.

• Management review.

Arvanitoyannis and Varzakas, (2009) refer that the main changes of ISO 22000

compared with HACCP are the following:

1. Extension of the scope to include all the food businesses from feed and primary

production as well as the organizations indirectly involved in the food chain.

2. The hazards that require control are those managed not only by CCPs but also

through prerequisite programmes (PRPs).

3. There is provision of crisis management procedures in the case that external

dangers turn up.

4. Exist additional requirements for external communication between the food

organizations and the relevant authorities involved in food safety beyond the

internal communication requirements.

ISO 22000 uses a systems approach (continual updating of the FSMS) to prevent

new hazards from occurring in the food products and recognize the new technologies to

control food safety hazards. On the other side, HACCP is inherently a system to prevent

food safety hazards. ISO 22000 strengthens HACCP by linking the plan to PRPs and

defining management's responsibilities (Surak, 2006). Another difference is the

approach that ISO 22000 follows. ISO 22000 is implemented through the whole supply

chain and not only in this final stage (Arvanitoyannis and Tzouros, 2006).

The ISO 22000 standard is fully compatible with other ISO management system

standards such as ISO 9001. However, there are differences between the two standards.

The focus of ISO 9001 is quality, while the focus of ISO 22000 is food safety (Surak,

2006). ISO 22000 extends the successful management system approach of the ISO

9001:2000 quality management system standard which is widely implemented in all

sectors but does not itself specifically address food safety (Frost, 2005). The standard

ISO 22000 can be applied on its own, or in combination with other management system

standards such as ISO 9001:2000, with or without independent (third party) certification

of conformity (Faergemand and Jespersen, 2004). Companies already certified to ISO

9001 will find it easy to extend this to certification to ISO 22000 (Frost, 2005).


Companies commit to an ISO 22000 approach in order to complete their ISO

9001, ISO 14001, HACCP plans through the implementation of an integrated system

(Talbot, 2007).

4. Research Methodology

The present research is a case study of 20 ISO 22000:2005-certified catering

firms operating in Greece. In-depth site interviews were conducted at each firm to

obtain detailed information about the ISO 22000:2005 registration process and

experience. All 20 companies included in this study compete in the Greek market. The

structured portion of the interviews utilized a questionnaire that was developed based on

a comprehensive review of the literature, previous survey instruments, and ISO

22000:2005 registration requirements. Unstructured discussions were also used to gain

additional insights and anecdotal information about the experience of ISO 22000:2005

and the results of implementation were analyzed.

The sample consists of 12 hotels, 4 restaurants and 4 catering enterprises. The

survey instrument was a questionnaire developed in two stages aiming to discover the

efficiency of new quality procedure and to point out the advantages and disadvantages

of the implementation in the catering industry.

In order to gain an understanding about the problems and difficulties

encountered by firms seeking ISO 22000:2005 certification, firms were asked to

identify the biggest obstacles encountered during their certification efforts. This

question allowed firms to point out the problems they face during the implementation of

ISO certification. Moreover, a similar format was used to determine the reasons that

firms pursued ISO certification.

Other aspects of ISO Certification that identified during the research were:

Food Safety (7 questions).

Marketing (5 questions).

Supply chain (2 questions).

Economic and operational results (5 questions).

Employee training (3 questions).

A five point Likert scale was used, with 1 representing strongly disagree and 5 strongly

agree. The research was taken place from November 2007 to January 2008.

5. Findings and observations

This study presents the results of personal observations, in-depth interviews and

questionnaire responses on the obstacles encountered during the implementation

process, the reasons for pursuing registration, and impact of ISO 9000 certification on

food safety, operation of marketing, supply chain implementation, operational

performance and employees training.

5.1 Barriers

The main problems of ISO 22000 implementation according to the participants,

are focused on the employee training, certification requirements procedures and the

supply chain The vast majority of the participants consider as the most important

barrier of ISO implementation the lack of employee training. They agreed that


employees are not interested in implementing the necessaries rules of hygiene.

Moreover, they have a negative attitude towards food safety programs. The adaptation

of staff to quality standards is a difficult task as there is a lack of motivation while the

supervision is not always efficient. Also, the time and effort to develop and implement

ISO 22000 requirements, is a crucial parameter as most of the staff are part time

employees and work seasonally. As a result there is no technical expertise. The next

important parameter according to the participants is the lack of certified with ISO 22000

suppliers. Small producers are not certified with ISO 22000. So, they cannot supply

the enterprises with certified products. As suppliers should be chosen only on the basis

of ISO certification, the cost is raising up. Moreover, the administration cost is high.

The following table (1) summarises the Barriers Encountered ISO 22000

Implementation Process

Table I. Barriers Encountered During ISO 22000 Implementation Process

Barriers Hotels Restaurants


Cost of Prerequisite programs - Cost of

Equipment 66% (8)


100% (4) 100% (4)

Lack of certified with ISO 22000 suppliers

75% (9) 75% (3) 75% (3)

Lack of technical expertise and human

resource 66% (8) 75% (3) 75% (3)

Lack of Training of Employees

58% (7) 75% (3) 75% (3)

The food workers often lack interest and they

often have a negative attitude toward food

safety programs

66% (8) 50% (2) 75% (3)

Time and effort to develop and implement

ISO 22000 58% (7) 75% (3) 50% (2)

Excessive volume of Paperwork 50% (6) 75% (3) 50% (2)

Staff lack of motivation and supervision 50% (6) 50% (2) 50% (2)



= Number of respondents

5.2 Motives

The vast majority of the participants indicated that the main reason for ISO

certification was to improve and control the level of safety and hygiene on food

products. Caterers wanted to offer safe products in order to achieve customer

satisfaction and meet customer expectations. The need of training on food safety issues

and expectation of improvement of internal operations was an important reason for ISO

implementation according to the participants. They considered that the ISO procedures

will improve the management as employees will better understand the role and duties

they have to do.

There was a general agreement that company protection was a reason for the ISO

implementation. Companies wanted to meet government demands or legal

requirements. Also, certification was considered by the majority of the participants as a

promotional and/or marketing tool. The market is changing all the time. Also,

consumer preferences are changing. So, companies in order to be competitive they need


to adapt to the changing consumers' needs and wants. Promotion and marketing will be

more efficient as caterers will continue adapt to the new requirements. Finally, they

strongly believe that certification will create a favourable image for the company and

enhance the firm's reputation.

Finally, participants indicated that the certification will reduce operational cost and

increase profits in the long run.

The following table summarises the motives of ISO implementation

Table II. Motives of ISO 22000 Implementation.


Hotels Restaurants Catering

To improve and control the level of product

safety and hygiene 75% (9)


100% (4) 100% (4)

To meet government demands - company

protection 75% (9) 75 % (3) 75% (3)

To achieve customer satisfaction and meet

customer expectations 66% (8) 75 % (3) 100% (4)

To enhance the firm's reputation 66% (8) 75% (3) 75% (3)

Look for employee training and experience

66% (8) 75% (3) 50% (2)

Market requirements - use it as a promotional

and/or marketing tool 66% (8) 75% (3) 50% (2)

Improvement of internal operations

improvement of management system 50 % (6) 50 % (2) 25 % (1)

To reduce the operational cost - to increased

profits 25% (3) 25% (1) 50% (2)



= Number of respondents

5.3 The impact of ISO 9000 certification on food safety

The next step was to identify the role of certification in the improvement of food

safety, marketing, supply chain management and operational performance. Five

questions were developed in order to identify ISO 22000 capability to improve food

safety. Questions try to explore the impact of ISO implementation in risk management,

consumer satisfaction, consumer complaints, and companies' reliability. Then

questions about marketing, supply chain management and personnel training were

asked. Table 3 presents the results of this part of the questionnaire.


Table III. Manager perceptions about ISO 22000 certification

Food safety



Disagree Neither

agree or


Agree Strongly


ISO 22000 certification has improved food safety. 0% 0% 15% 65% 20%

ISO 22000 certification has improved perceived risk 0% 0% 15% 50% 35%

ISO 22000 certification satisfy consumer needs for food safety. 0% 0% 10% 60% 30%

ISO 22000 certification reduced customer complaints. 0% 10% 35% 25% 30%

Reliability is high with ISO 22000 certification. 0% 0% 10% 45% 45%




Disagree Neither

agree or


Agree Strongly


Trust has improved after ISO 22000 certification 0% 10% 15% 35% 40%

ISO 22000 certification is a valuable marketing tool 0% 10% 40% 25% 25%

ISO 22000 certification is a competitive tool 15% 5% 15% 35% 30%

ISO 22000 certification is a differential advantage for our company 5% 25% 5% 40% 25%

The aims of ISO 22000 certification has been reached 0% 0% 20% 75% 5%

Supply chain management



Disagree Neither

agree or


Agree Strongly


The communication between company and suppliers in food safety

issues is good. 0% 25% 15% 45% 15%

The communication between company and customers in food safety

issues is good. 0% 20% 35% 35% 10%

Operation performance



Disagree Neither

agree or


Agree Strongly


ISO 22000 certification cost is high. 0% 10% 45% 45% 0%

ISO 22000 certification help the company to improve the

administration of their assets. 5% 10% 50% 25% 10%

ISO 22000 certification will help the company in the long run to

reduce the cost 10% 45% 30% 15% 0%

ISO 22000 certification will help the company to improve

operational procedures. 0% 5% 30% 60% 5%

ISO 22000 certification will help the company to improve its

efficiency 15% 15% 50% 20% 0%

Company employees



Disagree Neither

agree or


Agree Strongly


Personnel Satisfaction has been improved after the implementation

of ISO. 0% 0% 25% 60% 15%

ISO 22000 certification improved personnel training. 0% 0% 30% 60% 10%


6. Discussion

The marketing concept implies that an objective of marketing strategy is to be

"market driven to meet customer needs'' and competitive advantage arises from those

who meet customer needs best. Nowadays, the business environment is becoming

increasingly hostile and unforgiving. Intense competition from both domestic and

foreign companies, coupled with an increasing awareness of consumer rights, has led to

greater expectations and demands by customers. Therefore, for competitive survival,

companies are focusing on areas in their operations that might give them an edge over

their competitors. ISO 22000:2005 can become a valuable tool for marketing managers

in order to differentiate their companies and compete to a highly competitive


The results showed that about 2/3 of catering enterprises used ISO certification as

a marketing tool in order to gain its competitive advantage. However 1/3 of them have

not understood the value of certification in marketing strategy.

In supply chain management there is room for improvement as so far the

communication process among the parts of the chain is not the appropriate. Especially,

the lack of certified suppliers is a problem that has been identified by the respondents.

The cost of ISO certification is considered as high from the majority of the

participants. Especially, administration cost is high and procedures are complicated.

However, about half of the enterprises they believe that the cost is not so high because

in the long run they expect that certification will reduce the operational cost relate to

expected benefits in internal processes and procedures. The management has improved

the efficiency with the implementation of certification.

In the present study, quite a few similarities of experiences emerged. With

respect to the reasons for seeking ISO 9000 certification, the most frequently cited

reason was the employee motivation and training. A majority of the respondents

identified improving employee relations and improving communications as reasons for

seeking ISO 9000 certification. As the main problem identified by the respondents was

the lack of training of employees. ISO procedures will help the companies to improve

the workers skills. Another problem with employees was the lack of interest in

implementing the necessaries rules of hygiene and their negative attitude towards food

safety programs. In addition, there is lack of technical expertise and adequate human

resource because of seasonality.

According to the results, ISO 22000 implementation offers a substantial

advantage to the enterprise, especially to small-medium size enterprises. Another

reason identified customer requirements as a reason. This influence is consistent with

results from other studies that found customer demands to be one of the primary reasons

that catering firms seek ISO certification. As a general observation, firms appear to

consider ISO certification as a tool for competitive advantage.


Another interesting observation with respect to reasons for ISO certification

relates to the responses about the impacts of certification to quality and food safety.

There has not been reported any negative impact on quality dimensions as a result of

implementing ISO. In addition they consider ISO procedures as a tool in order to

improve product quality, meet government demands, achieve customer satisfaction and

enhance the firm's reputation.



ISO 22000, certification is a valuable tool to ensure food safety and quality

requirements for food products while provide catering industry with reliability in order

to meet consumers needs and wants. Moreover, provide a safety net for risk


From the study results it could be argued that companies adapt ISO certification

due to competitive pressures, like market entry, or customer requirements. So, keeping

eyes on the customer can be the single focus for successful marketing implementation

as the companies which will be leading the international restaurant industry in the next

decade are not identifiable to us today. The marketing management of a restaurant

appears to have no options other than meet customer needs and wants. ISO certification

will help them to differentiate marketing mix elements and build a competitive


Even though the research is preliminary in nature results can be a valuable input

in marketing strategy planning and implementation. Researchers can use the results as a

basis for future research with a representative sample of catering enterprises. Also they

can use the results as an input for questionnaire development. From the point of view

of marketing management, caterers need to acquire new knowledge and a greater

understanding of the environment, in which they operate. Without this knowledge and

understanding, marketing, and thus the caterers, will have great difficulty meeting the

various challenges, which lie ahead.

So, marketers and managers need to fully understand the role of ISO

certification and the advantages that this certification offers to their companies. So,

they can use it as a marketing tool for differentiating their products and gain a

competitive advantage in the market place.


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... In general, it was agreed that company protection was a reason for the ISO implementation. All participants considered certification as a promotional and marketing tool (Mamalis, Kafetzopoulos, & Aggelopoulos, 2009). ...

... In Greek food companies the participants indicated several reasons to implement a certified ISO system. Among the reasons, it stands out the control of safety on food products, the guarantee of a safe product and the improvement of the management system (Mamalis et al., 2009). ...

... There is a lack of motivation while the supervision is not always efficient. Also, the time and effort are crucial parameters as most of the staff are part time employees and work seasonally (Mamalis et al., 2009). Small producers are not certified with ISO 22000, so they cannot supply the enterprises with certified products. ...

ABSTRACT Purpose - The aim of this paper is to evaluate benefits, motivations, and obstacles of the implementation of ISO 22000 in the food industry and do a comparative relation in multiple countries. The study identifies the main difficulties faced by companies during the adoption process and the benefits found on their overall satisfaction with ISO 22000. Design/methodology/approach - A research was performed to identify the existence of studies about difficulties and benefits of ISO 22000 implementation. The literature review resulted in the selection of studies about the Food Safety Management System (FSMS) in different countries, with special focus on ISO 2200 implications. Findings - There are several benefits that companies can obtain from having an implemented and certified FSMS. It is possible to observe similar benefits when ISO 22000 is implemented. The difficulties to the implementation of ISO 2200 were identified by all companies, however they demonstrated to be pleased with the benefits (internal and external) of the certification. Research limitations – A small percentage of papers were found about the ISO 22000 implementation. Most case studies focus on Food Safety without a specific focus on ISO 22000. Originality/value - The studied papers comprised certified companies and analyzed benefits and obstacles of the implementation of ISO 22000, including representatives of all links in the Food Chain. Keywords: Benefits, Food security, Obstacles, FSMS, ISO 22000 Paper type Literature review

... There are numerous factors for establishing these private food safety certifications other than merely complying with legislation [15,32,33]. Some that influence the implementation of these certifications include the need to provide consumers with high-quality products boasting high food safety [15,[34][35][36]; to maintain consumer trust [37]; to avoid food crises [17]; to use them as marketing and promotional tools to stand out in the market and improve image and reputation [15,33,36,37]; and to facilitate exportation and access to new markets [32,34,38]. However, the vast majority of studies conclude that the most important and common factor for implementing certifications is that it responds to the requirements of key customers to guarantee safety [15,[39][40][41][42]. ...

... There are numerous factors for establishing these private food safety certifications other than merely complying with legislation [15,32,33]. Some that influence the implementation of these certifications include the need to provide consumers with high-quality products boasting high food safety [15,[34][35][36]; to maintain consumer trust [37]; to avoid food crises [17]; to use them as marketing and promotional tools to stand out in the market and improve image and reputation [15,33,36,37]; and to facilitate exportation and access to new markets [32,34,38]. However, the vast majority of studies conclude that the most important and common factor for implementing certifications is that it responds to the requirements of key customers to guarantee safety [15,[39][40][41][42]. ...

... As highlighted in the previous section, operators in the chain are motivated to fulfill private food safety certifications to obtain numerous benefits [61], which include improving product quality and safety [35,36], improving company image and reputation [33,37], or gaining access to market [62,63]; but, above all, legal mandate [64] and pressure from customers [15,[39][40][41][42]. With regard to customers specifically, different drivers of certification level are addressed in the literature, such as the following: Meeting customer requirements or demands [15,32]; anticipating future customer requirements [40]; satisfying customers [65]; achieving customer awareness of food safety [42]; retaining existing customers and/or attracting new customers [39,40]; reducing customer complaints [39,40]; passing customer audits/inspections [39,40]; and lowering the risk of compromising food safety for customers [42]. ...

Food safety management in short supply chains of fruit and vegetables, controlled by large retailers, has been widely studied in the literature. However, when it comes to traditional long supply chains, which include a greater number of intermediaries and wholesalers who, in some cases, play a dual role as resellers and producers, the mechanisms which promote the use of safety certifications have yet to be clearly defined. The present study intended to fill this gap in the literature and shed light on the food safety level that exists in this channel. In addition, this work attempted to identify the existence of differences between both sales systems. For this purpose, the empirical research studied the most important variables that influence the food safety level of some of the main European fruit and vegetable wholesalers. A survey was thus designed and later applied to Spanish and French intermediaries working in key wholesale markets and in the southeast of Spain, which is the leading commercialization area of these products in Europe. The results revealed the positive influence of specific customers (big retailers) on establishing stricter safety controls within wholesale companies. It was also observed that specific wholesalers also play an important role in the system, namely those dedicated to importing, but which are also responsible for quality and safety inspection of agri-food products exported from third countries into the European Union.

... The ISO 22000 standard has been introduced aiming at managing safety of the food chain (Trienekens & Zuurbier, 2007). These standards may demonstrate to consumers that the assurance of food safety is achieved by the implementation of prerequisite PRP and HACCP programmer principles which must be formalized and documented (Mamalis, Kafetzopoulos, & Aggelopoulos, 2009). ...

The reuse of refillable PET packaging by the soft drink industry requires high attention, since these packages may return to the industry with some contamination. Given this background, the aim of this study was to develop a HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) plan for a soft drink production line of returnable PET packaging, through strategies such as analysis of consumer complaints profile for this drink and the employment of quality tools. The results showed that the most significant complaint observed was a change of flavor, which is commonly associated with a failure in the sniffer. However, the implementation and monitoring of the proposed plan led to the reduction of altered flavor complaint percentages, from 52% (October 2013) to 14% (July 2015). From January 2015 to July 2015, altered flavor complaints dropped from 16 to 5, corresponding to a decrease of more than 50% in 7 months. Furthermore, a reduction of the sniffer reject index was also observed, from 3% to 1%, demonstrating that the HACCP plan implemented was an effective tool to identify, evaluate, and control chemical and physic hazards in the reuse of refillable PET packaging by the soft drink industry.

... Moreover, ISO 22000 also helps companies to better adapt to the legal framework established in order to ensure food safety ( Mensah and Julien, 2011). This food safety management system does not only improve the company's performance in terms of product and production process quality, but it also contributes to the obtainment of a transparent and efficient communication between the company and its stakeholders (Mamalis, Kafetzopoulos and Aggelopoulos, 2009). More precisely, by implementing ISO 22000, companies can clear off possible dangers related to food through using a standardized language that makes an effective link between them and their stakeholders: customers, suppliers, distributors and health institutions ( Bilalis et al., 2009). ...

Honey, this relatively homogenous, hard to trace product, characterised by considerable international price differences, and often regulated by high tariff barriers, lends itself to economically motivated product adulteration. The adulteration of honey can undermine confidence in products as well as having adverse public health consequences. The aim of this research is to demonstrate the possibilities for the utilisation of network-based stochastic simulation methods to determine the proliferation of (accidentally or deliberately) polluted food products, using the example of the international honey trade network. The database for the analysis is based on the FAO dataset. The results of a network analysis of the global honey trade system highlight the scale-free character of the world's honey supply system. Focussing on backbone states and product flows, it is possible to determine the geographical distribution of polluted products as a function of the source of pollution. This information is important for the organisation of international trade control systems when contaminated products appear in a given state. The "polluted product transfer capacity" and the exposure of different states to polluted honey products can, in most cases, be efficiently forecast by the simultaneous application of different centrality measures and indicators.

... Moreover, ISO 22000 also helps companies to better adapt to the legal framework established in order to ensure food safety (Mensah and Julien, 2011). This food safety management system does not only improve the company's performance in terms of product and production process quality, but it also contributes to the obtainment of a transparent and efficient communication between the company and its stakeholders (Mamalis, Kafetzopoulos and Aggelopoulos, 2009). More precisely, by implementing ISO 22000, companies can clear off possible dangers related to food through using a standardized language that makes an effective link between them and their stakeholders: customers, suppliers, distributors and health institutions (Bilalis et al., 2009). ...

  • Carmen Păunescu
  • Ruxandra Argatu
  • Miruna Lungu

The development of well-designed food safety management systems that take into consideration the potential risks and threats to an organization and their associated impacts to business operations should be a key goal for each organization operating in the food supply chain. This study provides quantitative empirical evidence about the motivations for implementing a food safety management system based on ISO 22000. By employing factor analysis and multiple linear regression, it analyses the benefits that the ISO 22000 certified companies gained through certification, as well as the main constraints that may prevent the adoption of the standard in the food industry. The survey is based on a sample of Romanian companies distributed at all levels of the food chain, but mainly at the production level. While there exist external pressures that lead companies to adopt a food safety management system based on ISO 22000, the motivations that are most relevant in this decision are generally internal in nature. The results of our study identify three major benefits of ISO 22000 certification: food safety improvement and provision of safer products, reduction of illness and other risks arising from food and improvement of consumers' confidence. Also, it points out three constraints limiting the dissemination and use of ISO 22000: employees' qualification, costs associated with food safety management system implementation and legal requirements.

... Moreover, ISO 22000 also helps companies to better adapt to the legal framework established in order to ensure food safety ( Mensah and Julien, 2011). This food safety management system does not only improve the company's performance in terms of product and production process quality, but it also contributes to the obtainment of a transparent and efficient communication between the company and its stakeholders (Mamalis, Kafetzopoulos and Aggelopoulos, 2009). More precisely, by implementing ISO 22000, companies can clear off possible dangers related to food through using a standardized language that makes an effective link between them and their stakeholders: customers, suppliers, distributors and health institutions ( Bilalis et al., 2009). ...

The UNESCO World Heritage list has set as a primary goal since its creation in 1972 the protection of places with special cultural or physical significance. Nevertheless, the present list suffers from a lack of balance regarding the distribution of sites in countries and the five UNESCO regions (Europe and North America, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Arab States and Sub-Saharian Africa. The selection criteria that contribute to the designation of a place as a UNESCO World Heritage site reveal that the sites must be of outstanding universal value. However, the unevenness of the list across countries and regions may point to other factors that contribute to the inclusion of a site on the list. In 1994 the Global Strategy for a representative, balanced and credible World Heritage list was introduced in order to better reflect the full spectrum of world cultural and natural treasures. The article explores the impact prior to and twenty years after the introduction of the Global Strategy and the influence of different economic and political determinants on the structure of the World Heritage list such as the membership in the World HeritageCommittee and Convention.

The general trend of development and restructuring of the manufacturing in the technologically developed world is increasingly based on modernization and reengineering, based on the application of new technologies, flexible automation and organization, computer-integrated manufacturing with the basic goal of producing better, cheaper and faster. Following these findings, the Scientific Teaching Council of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Bihac decided to organize an international conference every second year called "Revitalization and modernization of the manufacturing". The first conference of RIM '97 was organized with the aim of reviewing and analyzing the situation in industry after the war and creating the basic preconditions for the wider application of revitalization and modernization of the manufacturing. RIM International Conferences have been held with the motto: • Industrial manufacturing has been realized with constant and intensive changes that consist of adapting to new circumstances and market requirements. • Competitiveness and change of the manufacturing structure, market orientation, reengineering and revitalization of business and manufacturing processes and systems are imperative for the survival of the company. • Revitalization and reengineering of the manufacturing are processes of continuous innovation and improvement of existing products, technologies, manufacturing processes and systems on the efficiency of which the survival of the manufacturing and business systems depends. • Application of the concept of industry 4.0. This year's thirteenth conference RIM 2021 is held under the title "Development and modernization of the manufacturing" with the following thematic areas: A. Mechanical Engineering B. Wood Design and Technologies C. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science D. Technologies and Structures in Civil Engineering E. Textile Design and Technologies F. Law-Economics regulations and standardization G. Quality Assurance, Environment Protection and Sustainable Development The conference is attended by 236 authors and co-authors from the country and abroad with 136 papers. It is expected that this set and presented papers will be a new concrete stimulus and contribution in the transfer of knowledge and technologies, development of the modern manufacturing and that it will offer answers to questions on how to improve the manufacturing making business systems more profitable and efficient in turbulent international market.

Microbiological quality assurance has been employed in food industries for many years, to guarantee the quality of food products for human consumption, however, foodborne diseases continue to occur. This study sought to assess the microbial quality of cocoa products at various processing stages as well as the processing environment, in a typical cocoa processing company. Products and environmental samples were collected at the various stages of processing within the production area and analysed for the presence of yeast and moulds, Enterobacteriaceae and Salmonella. Colonies of the Enterobacteriaceae were tested for E. coli and Salmonella since they are hygienic indicators. Confirmatory tests yielded negative results for these, thereby attesting to the fact that the test Enterobacteriaceae showed the absence of E. coli and Salmonella. As a result, validating safety for further processing. Yeast and mould, however, recorded the highest mean colony counts in all but the butter samples, thus indicating possible contamination at the point of packaging and poor storage conditions. Results also prove and confirm that microbial quality of production environment has a significant influence on that of products due to various means of contamination.

  • Victoria Tsolidou Victoria Tsolidou

This thesis attempts to shed light into the effect of the Greek economic recession upon several dimensions of quality in Greek business environment. The economic crisis has devastated the Greek enterprises with austerity methods which were led by the government ensuing in momentous budget wounds for quality. Economic recession is being presented along with the implementation of Quality management systems (QMS) and Quality Improvement (QI) models in Greek area. Our approach is based to obtaining primary data through questionnaire from Quality managers and quality supervisors of Greek companies in different sectors. Our analysis is based on descriptive statistics, Factor Analysis, Chi-Square test and Cross Tabulation Analysis. Our research aims to investigate what was the effect in Operational excellence and what strategies have been involved during current turbulent era in order to maintain current or future quality levels. Concluding, will try to study the impact of the recession on attitudes towards the view of QMS (quality management systems) as well as other Quality Improvement programs (Lean, Six Sigma, Kaizen, TQM, BPR etc) as a strategy and their application to exit crisis. The key outcomes from the research was that the Greek companies keep a good momentum regarding the maintenance of QMS in near future. They recognize the importance of QI programs even though they are facing challenges during implementation & maintenance.

  • Thanh Nguyen
  • Anne Wilcock Anne Wilcock
  • May Aung

This study explored the experiences of quality professionals with the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system in the food industry in Canada. Similarities and differences between HACCP and ISO 9000 quality management systems were also highlighted. In this study, qualitative research was undertaken with selected medium to large-sized food manufacturing companies. In-depth telephone interviews were performed with quality professionals to allow the researcher the opportunity to elicit expertise and experience that are unique to the respondent. While the study was designed to be exploratory in nature and to form the basis for future research, several themes were identified. First, all companies used HACCP in conjunction with other internal programs such as product testing and supplier qualification to ensure product quality. Second, all companies perceived internal auditing as a way to ensure the quality programs. Finally, companies that had implemented both HACCP and ISO 9000 mentioned two main obstacles, i.e. resistance to change and fear of documentation.

HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) has been internationally recognized as a logical tool towards a more modern, scientifically based inspection system. The main sector where HACCP finds application is in the processing of safe food. The influence of the application of the HACCP system in Creek industry was examined as a function of important process parameters (e.g. cost, training programmes, employees' behaviour). Problems encountered during the implementation of HACCP were identified and actions to overcome these problems were proposed. Merging the HACCP system with a quality assurance programme will render HACCP more effective in industry. Copyright (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • S. Seward

Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems in food service must be integrated into daily operations to be effective. For this to occur, a balance must be achieved between the traditional HACCP system used for manufacturing, and a flexible, process-based system in food service. The control points used in food service operations are broad, principle-based controls, such as temperature and time standards, food contact avoidance, as well as personal hygiene. The significant challenges for food service include the training associated with high employee turnover rates, assimilating product and process changes into food safety control programmes, and managing compliance data from documentation to analysis for process improvement. Control of food safety in food service operations must include specifications for incoming products and distribution, as well as the design of food safety into food service equipment, products and procedures. Compliance measurement data, from HACCP validation and verification activities, or regulatory inspections, are a key component of the food safety programme in food service. A common understanding of the expectations and limitations of HACCP systems for food service between regulatory authorities and food service operations will help to ensure broad, effective implementation of food safety controls.

  • Miguel Costa Miguel Costa

The globalisation of the food supply chain and the increase in food-borne illness has decisevly changed the food industry sector. The development of HACCP principles to ensure the safety of foods, the proliferation of laws and regulations to Food safety management system standards are the response to concerns of consumer.

Global food supply is developing within a commercial environment with an aim to source ever-cheaper food, i.e. to move production to the least cost producer. Quality management systems are designed primarily to ensure compliance with third party and retailer standards. Food safety management systems principally control the specific food safety hazards associated with the product and ensure compliance with food safety legislation. This paper, seeks to identify the issues for an organization if their management system is focused primarily on minimizing quality costs rather than producing safe, wholesome food.